I love a good beat drop and song remix as much as the next girl (Caked Up is my ishhh), but there are times when I'll hear a new remake of an already great song and inwardly (or outwardly) groan.
As I was driving home tonight, I heard a new remix of John Legend song "All of Me" on Hits 1. I don't know if the version I heard tonight was a new one, but with this remix, they actually changed some of the song instead of just adding a back beat and upping the song's tempo. I cringed. This song is already so beautiful and well, popular on its own, why mess with it?
When you add a dance beat or remix to a song, you take away from the lyrics. In some cases, that's fine. Some songs are made for the beats while the lyrics are just there to give you something to sing along to (examples include: "Stay the Night" and "Clarity" by Zedd. I mean their great songs but the lyrics are literally repeated with little to no variation 2-3 times throughout the song..). My problem with changing beautiful and meaningful songs like "All of Me" is that with the added beat, the song loses part of its ability to make its listeners feel what the artist wants them to experience. We end up getting wrapped up in the new back beat that we forget what the song is actually about.
Sidenote: I actually download the acoustic version of Disclosure's song "Latch" because I think the lyrics of this song are so amazing and with the original song, I just wasn't getting the full effect of the words. Take a listen and don't be afraid to really feel the lyrics with this one. You can jam just as hard to this song as you can to "Turn Down for What." Trust me, I do it.
This new techno/dubstep craze that has recently (or at least I would consider recently) taken over the charts these days is wonderful. I don't want to take away from these talented artists because I download and jam out to most of their music all the time. But I think it's time we take a step back and remind ourselves that sometimes a song doesn't need a makeover just because it's starting to lose some of it's hype. More often than not, it's already doing its job of making us feel something, whether its the need to dance until our legs fall off or contemplate all of the complexities of the world, all on its own!
Have any favorite songs that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? Any great dance tunes?
Lemme know! :)
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